



   焦阳在讲话中对四建公司的工程建设完成情况给予充分肯定,表扬第二工程公司催化剂项目部科学组织、合理安排,实现了安全优质,高质量推进,圆满完成施工任务。(林育兴 闫茹雪)

On January 31st, the Tianjin New Materials Production Base (Phase I) project of the Catalyst Company achieved mechanical completion. The leaders of the Catalyst Company issued certificates to the units that completed the mechanical completion. The leaders of the design unit, construction unit, and supervision unit spoke successively, and attendees attended the site to study and emulate.

Jiao Yang, Chairman and Party Secretary of Catalyst Company, and Ma Ming, General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary; Dong Kexue, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Fourth Construction Company, and Guo Wenbin, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager, attended the completion ceremony.

Dong Kexue, on behalf of the company, congratulates Catalyst Company! Dong Kexue pointed out that the Fourth Construction Company has received a total of 23 first sample projects awarded by the owner in project execution, achieving a total of 1.38 million safe labor hours. The project execution team has been awarded the honors of "benchmark contractor" and "annual commendation letter" by the owner, demonstrating the uplifting spirit of cadres and employees. The company will make full use of the preparation time before the trial run, develop a detailed construction completion plan, carry forward the fine tradition of continuous operation, and continue to strictly and finely manage, focusing on the completion of the remaining projects, and completing all the promised completion node plans on schedule.

Jiao Yang fully affirmed the Fourth Construction Company and praised the catalyst project of the Second Engineering Company for efficiently organizing and arranging, achieving safe and high-quality progress, and successfully completing construction tasks.(Lin yuxing Yan ruxue)
