



人物专栏  张书成

张书成 男,吉林长春人,中共党员,1970年10月参加工作,原为中石化第四建设有限公司电焊工,被誉为“津门焊接王”。1985年至1996年多次获得天津市特等劳动模范、劳动模范;1986年获得石化总公司劳动模范;1989年获得全国劳动模范;1995年获得全国技术能手称号;1993年当选天津市第六次党代会代表。

Shucheng Zhang, Male, from Changchun, Jilin, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in October 1970 and was originally an electric welder at Sinopec Fourth Construction Co., Ltd. He is known as the "King of Welding in Jinmen". From 1985 to 1996, he was awarded the first-class model worker and model worker of Tianjin for many times; In 1986, he was awarded as the model worker of China Petrochemical Corporation; In 1989, he was awarded the National model worker; Obtained the title of National Technical Expert in 1995; Elected as a representative of the 6th Tianjin Party Congress in 1993.

人物专栏  张振连

张振连 男,山东莱芜人,中共党员,1991年10月参加工作,现为培训中心焊接教练。2023年当选第十四届全国人大代表。2006年获得天津市职业技能大赛第七名;2007年获得第八届全国工程建设系统焊工比赛第八名;2008年获得中国石化集团公司劳动模范、国资委劳动模范;2009年获得中国石化集团公司焊工竞赛金奖,第九届全国工程建设系统焊工比赛不限级别气焊工第八名;2010年获得中国石化集团公司岗位练兵优秀个人、中国石化集团公司技术能手;2014年获全国“五一”劳动奖章;2015年获得全国劳动模范称号;2016年获得天津市首届十佳“津门工匠”称号;2017年、2022年连续当选天津市第十一次、第十二次党代会代表。

Zhenlian Zhang, Male, from Laiwu, Shandong, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in October 1991 and is currently a welding coach at the training center. Elected as a delegate to the 14th National People's Congress in 2023. In 2006, won the seventh place in the Tianjin Vocational Skills Competition; Won the eighth place in the 8th National Engineering Construction System Welder Competition in 2007; In 2008, he was awarded the model worker of Sinopec Group and the model worker of SASAC; In 2009, he won the Gold Award in the Welder Competition of Sinopec Group, and ranked eighth in the 9th National Engineering Construction System Welder Competition as an unlimited level gas welder; In 2010, he/she was awarded the title of Excellent Individual in Training and Technical Expert at Sinopec Group; Received the National May Day Labor Medal in 2014; In 2015, it won the title of National model worker; In 2016, he was awarded the title of "Jinmen Craftsman" at the first Top 10 in Tianjin; In 2017 and 2022, he was elected as a representative of the 11th and 12th Party Congress of Tianjin City.

人物专栏  李雪梅

李雪梅 女,辽宁凌源,中共党员,1997年8月参加工作,现为技术部焊接技术高级专家、 现代焊接研究所所长。她从一名普通施工员成长为石化工程领域高级焊接专家,主持参与完成中国石化及公司百余项焊接技术攻关,取得3 项国家专利、19 项创新成果及工法。2020年获得全国劳动模范称号。曾获天津市“五一”劳动奖章,并获天津市劳动模范、中国石化突出贡献专家、中国石化质量先进个人、中国石化标准定额先进个人等荣誉称号。

Xueme Li, Female, from Lingyuan, Liaoning, is a member of the Communist Party of China. She started working in August 1997 and is currently a senior expert in welding technology at the Technical Department and the director of the Modern Welding Research Institute. She grew from an ordinary construction worker to a senior welding expert in the field of petrochemical engineering, led and participated in more than 100 welding technology breakthroughs for Sinopec and its companies, and obtained 3 national patents, 19 innovative achievements, and construction methods. In 2020, it won the title of National model worker. He was awarded the "May Day" Labor Medal of Tianjin, and was awarded model worker of Tianjin, Sinopec Expert with Outstanding Contributions, Sinopec exemplary individual in Quality, Sinopec exemplary individual in Standard Quota, etc.